Thursday, September 11, 2008

George Siemens and Connectivism Theory

It's really interesting to think about what learning means today in the digital age, particularly in my role as learner and instructor. As a Multimedia and Computer instructor, I constantly have to stay ahead of the curve and remain current in the emerging technologies, including operating software, software updates, new Web 2.0 tools and the web. Therefore it is essential for me to not only access information, but to stay connected with others in my field and discover ways to filter information to find what I need, when I need it. Siemens article validates my experience in staying current with new technology and activating my new skill sets to retrieve information.

Another point raised in Siemen's article that interests me is the need for organizational management of information. As an instructor, my role is to impart knowledge and teach students the skill sets to retrieve and categorize information so they can access it later. This is a difficult task as an instructor, because the skill sets and filters required to retrieve information are constantly changing. So, in order for me to be an effective instructor, I have to be an effective learner and continuously update my skill sets and filters.

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