Thursday, September 18, 2008

Education for a Digital World

Ok, I loved this reading. Why? Because it provides a concise summary of various Web 2.0 tools, what they do and why they are useful. As I read some of the summaries, I tried to think of ways I could implement these tools into my existing curriculum. For example, I used blogs last year so my students could write about a recycling project we introduced last year. The blog was a nice opportunity for students to learn how to blog and to chronicle their "recycling and composting journey". When I look back on the experience, I regret not making the project more interactive, where students were encouraged to comment on each other's blogs or continue their blogs after the assignment was finished. This is what the article referred to as "social computing".

Here is a link to one of my student's blog:

After reading this article, I thought some more about how I could alter the assignment for next semester, for example, requiring students to answer an essential or inquiry-based question on recycling or reduction, conduct research and record their findings on the blog.

1 comment:

miles said...

You might also want to check out the book we're reading for ITEC 815: Using Technologies With Classroom Instruction -- That Works: